Saturday, April 17, 2010

This man MUST love me

I haven't combed my hair in a few days. I am siting across from my poor husband looking like I am the love child of Ms.Celie from "The Color Purple" and Buckwheat from "The Little Rascals." In fact, (when my hair is not combed) I am infamous for scaring members of my family. One day my sister-in-law witnessed a figure with big crazy hair lurking past a window in her parent's house as she pulled into the drive way. Not realizing it was me, she called her parents from her cell to ask "who was in the house" and "if they needed her to call the cops." The same night my brother-in-law walked into the kitchen where he met eyes with "a cave woman in a t-shirt and jeans." Caught completely off guard, instead of a "hello," I got an "OH sh!t!" While there are no Gieco commercials in my future, actually finding the time to do my hair can be a trying task. It takes me 2hrs to do my hair. My beauty regimen consists of spending a little over an hour blow drying the tight curls out of my hair and then the remaining 2 hrs pressing it with a flat iron. Being a new mommy, the only 2hr breaks I get are the refreshing 2hr intervals of sleep I get in the middle of the night. So here I am. My hair is a mess. A hot tangled mess. Not to mention, I have more rolls around my midsection than a dinner table at Christmas(the souvenirs my son left me to work off). And, if my skin breaks out anymore, I could pass for a witch. A big fat witch. I have a handsome (almost too good to be true) man sitting across from me and there is no telling how repulsed he is right now. Then.. Without provocation, my husband looked up at me and said, "you're so beautiful, babe."

Maybe he needs glasses.

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