Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dear Sean

Dear Sean,

Last night while you were sleeping, I picked you up and I held you. I cradled you in my arms. I placed you over my shoulder and turned my head to watch you sleep. I kissed your cheek and neck repeatedly. I held you to my chest and wished that I could stay like this all night. You are only 3 months, but you dont let me hold you like you used to. You do not sleep on my chest. You will not cuddle with me. When you are awake, you kick and scream when I cradle you and you never put your head down when I hold you over my shoulder. Sure, you let me hold you. You let me kiss you. You even cry for me when I walk away. But, each day you are getting bigger. Each day you are reaching out and growing into your own person. You are learning your likes and your dislikes. I feel as each day I am losing a part of you. I just realized that I must kiss you every chance I get because soon you will have the ability to push me away. I must make you smile as much as I can because one day I will make you sad. And now, I must pick you up and watch you sleep in my arms because you will not let me hold you like you used to.


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